WELCOME TO THE YOUNG BLACK PROFESSIONALS![]() YBPC is an non-profit organization of young black professionals in the Akron, Ohio area focused on the personal, professional and social development of our future leaders, including high school and college students. YBPC is focused on improving the minority community by providing tools to enhance one's overall wellness through a variety of workshops, social activities and continuous education.
VISION: Through quality programming, services and commitment to growth, we provide a foundation for developing the overall person and the exploration of pursuing one's passion. Please take the time to navigate through our website and find out more about the Young Black Professionals Coalition and our commitment to the community. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to contact us. YBPC 10th ANNUAL "STRIKES 4 HUNGER" CHARITY BOWLING OUTING WEDNESDAY NOV. 22 @ RIVIERA LANESYBPC 10th ANNUAL "I KNOW I CAN" BACK TO SCHOOL DRIVE GOES MOBILE***NEW DATE ANNOUNCED***
Young Black Professionals Coalition // P.O. BOX 26878 Akron, Ohio 44319 // 330-701-8327 or 614.668.2225 // [email protected]